Battery terminals are part of your car’s charging system. The power from the battery flows through the terminals on its way to the starter and alternator.
Any electrical system is as good as its weakest link. Without a smooth strong terminal contact connecting the battery to the charging cables, the car won’t start well, or maybe not at all. In addition poor performing terminals will prevent the battery from getting recharged by the running engine.
Signs that you may need new battery terminals include:
- The car starts slowly or not at all
- Green or white corrosion on the terminals
- Terminal ends look damaged
- The battery light is on
It’s easier and less expensive to replace the terminals and have the terminal posts cleaned than it is to buy a new battery. In addition, if terminals are not replaced on time, other serious problems may come up such as blown fuses and even possibly fire.
“If terminals are not replaced on time, other serious problems may come up such as blown fuses and even possibly fire.”
Once you get new terminals, do make sure they are cleaned regularly. This will extend battery life while preventing the inconvenience of getting stranded unexpectedly because of a dead car battery.
The big deal is that Autoworld currently has a fantastic offer on battery terminals - buy a new Raylite, Hifase or Willard battery and get a free set of brass battery terminals. This will not only ensure your car is safe, but also that your new battery has a good connection to give you better performance!
Happy motoring :)