Electric powered vehicles in Zambia?


In this article we look briefly at the electric car concept and what it means for the Zambian driving experience.

Because of the environmental issues of petroleum products, it's inevitable that electric cars are coming. And they will certainly change everything. Find out more from Jaguar Zambia’s Electric cars FAQs.

In fact Zambia stands to benefit from the transition from petrol-based fuel to electric power as the batteries used to store the power in electric cars need cobalt in their manufacture. And Zambia has cobalt in abundance as a bi-product of copper.

In addition the charging time for electric car batteries is getting shorter - see this recent article in the UK’s Guardian newspaper.

But for Zambia, as for any other country, there is one big challenge - that of infrastructure. You will be able to charge your electric car at home overnight, which will work for school and shopping trips. But to cater for longer distances, instead of gas stations, the country will need a web of charging stations. And this is going to take time to develop. So don't think of exchanging your petrol car for a Tesla just yet!!